All the websites below have been moving their content from their social platforms (YouTube, etc.) to their own websites, because of censorship from big tech. The videos below are samples, however they could be de-platformed at any time, so the most reliable way to follow them is directly from their websites. Links will be provided.

Prophecy Updates

Great news source for current events links to end-time prophecy. Just the Headlines and summary of the news, no commentary. Link to website below.

Prophecy Update – Rumble


Hope For Our Times

Pastor Tom Hughes shares prophecy updates, Bible studies, and guest interviews on current events, and more. Link to great website below.

Hope for our Times – Rumble

JD Farag

Pastor JD Farag (Hawaii) gives weekly prophecy updates with scriptural teachings on the end times and current events. Link to website.

Olive Tree Ministries

Jan Markell has a had a long standing weekly radio, podcast,  and YouTube program, she interviews guest regarding end times Bible prophecy. Link to the website below.

The Watchman

Eric Stakelbech with Christians United for Israel, CUFI, gives updates with a focus on Israel and the middle east. Israel is the key to Bible prophecy, and the Watchman YouTube channel puts out  frequent news updates about Israel.

Behold Israel

Behold Israel with Amir Tsarfati is based in Israel, Amir is an Israeli citizen. Amir has his hand on the pulse of the middle east, and gives updates out of Israel and from Biblical prophecy. He brings a unique Jewish perspective to the church.

Rapture Ready

Rapture Ready is a resource site that is full of great articles with many authors, and is dedicated to end time prophecy, and is updated regularly to stay current.

End Time Videos

Features the 3 websites mentioned above, plus other contributors and their links.  A great resource for all things related to end time prophecy. Link to website below.

Ice Age Farmer

There will be famines, or food shortages in the end times. This update regarding the formation of the Antichrist system through the Great Reset, Green New Deal, and the global control of  food distribution.

End Times Headlines

End Times Headlines has a continuous news feed with notifications if you want. They are also on Rumble and other media platforms. Heads up, the app is full of adds, the link to the website is below.

Educating Our World

Don Stewart teaches Bible prophecy and has made available a number of his books about end time prophecy for free as E-Books. He has many years of teaching and provides a wealth of information.

Brandon Holthaus

Brandon Holthaus

is the Pastor of Rock Harbor Church Bakersfield, and does weekly Prophecy