Church attendance has been steeply declining across the Western world. But home churches and small group meetings have experienced phenomenal growth. The original disciples met in houses, and following the Biblical pattern always produces better fruit.
Jesus commands us to go and make disciples, not buildings and programs. Anyone who is truly born again and living right, can and should make disciples wherever they meet people. Every member of the body of Christ is called to action to fulfillĀ God’s purpose in their life.
Francis Chan shares his thought process from mega church pastor to small group leader. The transition from a corporation to a loving family has a greater impact and produces lasting fruit it the lives of everybody in the fellowship.
Francis Chan was the pastor of a big church but was not satisfied with the status quo, so he transitioned to a different way of doing church. Instead of one speaker with an audience of spectators, he made everybody participants and created a more intimate family of believers.
We are in a changing world, with shut downs and increasing persecution against churches. Mega churches will fail and shut down. The real churches will go underground and be more like your family and friends, who will network together and make new disciples, living room by living room, city by city.
This documentary provokes thought about the legitimacy of modern churches. What or who is the church? If the Apostle Paul walked into one of our churches, would he recognize our version of Christianity? What if we have religiously followed traditions that are not in the Bible?